Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 42 - Random Thoughts

Sorry for not updating this but I have been on the road attached are a list of random thoughts and items I have encountered during my trip.

Along one of the routes I travel often there is what I believe a burger store. The sign on the burger store has two pictures one of a baby and the other of a burger. I don’t know exactly what they are selling but I am not buying.

Spencer, a good friend of mine, is a JAG officer working for detainee operations. His office received a group of letters one of which was written from a young boy addressed to a Navy person. The letter was from a boy who stated his Dad was in the Marines. His Dad told him that the Navy gave the best blowjobs. The boy than inquired as to whether or not the Navy person gave blowjobs and ask what was the quality of the aforementioned blowjobs. It ended with the hope that the Navy person was having a good time giving blowjobs in Iraq. Immediately after finishing the letter Spence did what any person would do, he scanned it and sent it out to everyone he knew. If you don’t believe me I have a PDF copy as backup.

For those of you who don’t believe Western culture will take root in Iraq (Defeatocrats). I just want you to know that the Iraqis have adopted the drive by. And we all know how it goes first comes the drive by shootings than comes gansta rap and finally apple pie, democracy and Christianity. We are almost there just 4 more years to go (Vote for McCain).

Armed Forces Network (AFN) provides satellite television for our troops stationed in Iraq. They have been given permission to rebroadcast several different US television shows; however they are not allowed to rebroadcast commercials. To fill the void they have there own commercials typically they consist of describing in painful detail why military heritage is important but there is always a weekly service announcement. This week its, “Dude beating your wife ain’t cool.” Damn it AFN thanks to your announcement there goes one of my favorite pastimes, ah well at least I still have drinking and driving.

Editors Note: Despite the author’s poor attempt at humor. Beating your spouse is no laughing matter and besides anyone who knows the dynamics of my relationship knows for a fact that I am the beaten not the beater. Also folks don’t drink and drive unless your driving a rental car than well have fun.

Finally in order to pass the time and because what the hell else am I going to do, I am competing in a mustache growing competition. And yes I look magnificent.

Stay Classy Iraq


DG Dunford said...

That looks less like a mustache and more like you coated your upper lip with vaseline and walked into a sandstorm.

Hey, remember when Michael grew a mustache and we made fun of him for it (here's a hint, it was from 1992 to about now)? Well, yours makes Michael's look dashing and debonair.

Anonymous said...

What is Noel going to do if she can't beat you from time to time? and if she can't drive drunk. Are you trying to ruin all her fun?

Anonymous said...

Having caught hell for the codpiece comment after the last posting, all I say about the 'stash is that I hope you don't have a lot of money riding on winning the contest. As for baby burgers - I'll leave that territory to Daniel.


Anonymous said...

You better remove the caterpillar from your upper lip before you get home or I'll knock it off your face. With the car.

Kidding! Love you!

Anonymous said...

i checked with my "unnamed" sources at the state department and the sign indicates that they serve baby burgers [ like white castle not what you perves are thinking]. don't have any.a mustache is an interesting idea but noel's right, yours looks like its moving.oh, the state people only saw pictures of pictures of the sign from conde as she flew don't stop there.nick will send a comment, when he stops laughing.becarefuloutthere. dad