I apologize for the delay but the man (US Army) blocked the blogging sites. We just had a personal line run so I can continue my blog from the convenience of my room. Since I last wrote a couple of weeks ago I checked into my permanent location here at beautiful Forward Operating Base Loyalty. FOB Loyalty is located on the site of a former government office complex built by the Russians for Saddam and yes it has all the charm and architectural beauty of a …. Well an office complex designed by communists. Oh did I mention it has an old prison, where Saddam used to torture people. yup nothing haunted in here. Anyway the tourist attraction on our base is the JDAM building, named after the type of bomb we dropped on the building during the first gulf war.
This place is Army to the bone. I am one of three Navy Sailors on the FOB and subsequently get a little bit of shit. I’m constantly referred to as a CPT even though I am a LT and get yelled at when I call them by the Navy ranks. I know the Army rank structure and only refer to them by the Navy rank out of spite. If they aren’t going to recognize the Navy rank structure why should I recognize the Army rank structure? Additionally the head of the cell I work for is constantly giving me crap about how the Navy sucks and the Army is better blah blah blah … so I said, “CDR, you may have a point about the Army deploying for a longer time, however when was the last time the Navy needed the Army’s help to complete a mission?” In an unrelated story I don’t think the LCOL likes me that much.
Sorry Nicole chances are he is probably going to be your next boss.
I travel outside the wire a great deal and interact with different Iraqi ministries and elected officials (lots more to follow about those guys but its amazing the same country that deprives me of alcohol elects people who make me want to drink). Not to worry all as you can see from the picture when I travel outside the FOB I have enough weapons and ammunition with me to take on Rambo or capture France:
Well this time I mean it when I say it, “More to follow.”
Nice hat Ben. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be covering that Dunford nose. Also love the armored cod piece - must be a Marine invention. Try and stay inside the wire more. Will send more sunscreen.
Hey, a new blog! Nice picture, too!
NICE camo codpiece, CPT turd nugget.
love you!
the weather is better much,much further north.we play the cards we're dealt.why do you look saddlesore? do they have an armored mounted patrol?you must play nice with army O5s, they can't get work anywhere else, except at minimum wage.[your sister-in-law will be an exception].we must remind annie that you haven't found a codpiece that fits and the only marine invention was a flat tire. becarefulloutthere.dad
Great to read a new blog entry! I have no whitty comments, esp. about the size of the ol' schnozzola. i do like the picture--->how much extra weight is that? keep your wits about you and take good care! John and Mary Jo
By the way, that codpiece makes you look like the military's answer to Ziggy Stardust.
Hey Ben--great to see your blog up and running again. Got to spend mother's day w/ your mom, dad, tricia and (briefly) saw Noel--all in w'burg for Andrew's graduation.
Reminded me of the nice surprise homecoming 2 years ago.
Stay safe and there will be no comments about noses or codpieces from me. Aunt Jane
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